Orange roll

from Sedaliza Luiz, courtesy of HA d’Assumpção.
2 oranges
8 whole eggs
1 lb 2 oz | 500g sugar
1 tbsp plain flour
Finely grate the zest of the oranges and squeeze their juice.
Mix all the ingredients very well and spread evenly on a flat tray (e.g., measuring 25cm x 22 cm | 10in. x 9in.) greased with butter and lined with baking paper.
Bake for at least 30 minutes in an oven preheated to 300°F | 150°C.
When cooked, cool a little, flip it onto a tea towel sprinkled with icing sugar and roll up carefully into a cylinder.
Cut into ½-inch | 1-cm slices and serve.
Comment: My grandmother Sedaliza Luiz must have had a sweet tooth; I find the result of this recipe too sweet, and would recommend instead using only 9 oz | 250g of sugar.