This website was created for the descendants of the Portuguese who had lived in Macau, in the hope that, through the cuisine, they might be stimulated to learn more about the history and culture of their forebears. We have not yet tested many of the historical recipes given here; they are included as a record for posterity, that others might be induced to explore, to experiment, and to disseminate their results.

Leia em portuguêsEste site foi criado para os descendentes de portugueses que viveram em Macau, na esperança de que, através da gastronomia, fossem estimulados a conhecer mais a história e a cultura dos seus antepassados. Ainda não testamos muitas das receitas históricas aqui apresentadas; eles são incluídos como um registro para a posteridade, para que outros possam ser induzidos a explorar, a experimentar e a divulgar os seus resultados.
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A stunning dish, presenting crab meat in crab shells. It takes a bit more work but is well worth it.
(Crab meat in shells)

Porco balichão tamarinho
An unusual sweet-and-sour taste with a hint of the sea.