Roast duck

Siu áp from Sedaliza Luiz, courtesy of HA d’Assumpção.
We have not yet tested this recipe. It is recorded here to allow experimentation and verification.
3 tbsp soy sauce
2 tbsp aniseed liqueur
1 heaped tbsp tau fu mui (white fermented soy beans)(1)
2 tbsp honey
(1) Available from Asian stores.
Sew up the top of the duck. Mix the soy sauce, aniseed liqueur and taufumui and smear all over: a little on the outside and the rest inside.
Sew up the bottom of the duck. Roast in the oven, occasionally basting with the juices that will run out.
Near the end smear the duck all over with honey – either pure or diluted with a bit of water.
Roast duck from “Guilly” Canavarro Remedios
We have not yet tested this recipe. It is recorded here to allow experimentation and verification.
1 duck or goose
1 tsp lard or fat from the duck or goose
salt and pepper
migas stuffing
Clean and wash the duck thoroughly, season well the inside and outside with salt and pepper, fill the migas stuffing through the stomach aperture. If possible use a baking pan just large enough to fit the duck: with too large a pan the liquid will be inclined to dry up and burn.
With an electric cooker no basting is necessary(1), otherwise baste 3 or 4 times during roasting.
(1) Basting was probably needed when cooking in wood ovens.