Braised Pork Belly with Chinese Sausage and Yam

Pork Belly marinated with soy sauce and braised with Chinese sausage and yam
Inhame chau-chau com lap-yôck, from former site, owner unknown, adapted from the recipe by Maria Celestina de Mello e Senna, Gastronomia Macaense in Receitas da Celestina 5, Projecto Memória Macaense by Rogério P.D. da Luz.
Prep: 15m | Cook: 40m | Serves: 4 |
1lb | 450g yam, peeled and cubed
6oz | 175g of Chinese sausage, sliced diagonally
8oz | 225g boneless/skinless pork belly, cubed
1 spring onion, green sprigs bundled and tied, extra for garnish
1 tablespoon of light soy sauce
salt and white pepper
2-3 tablespoons of cooking oil
3 cups|720ml of water
Cube the pork belly and season with light soy sauce, salt and white pepper, set aside to marinate. Cut the Chinese sausage diagonally into 4-5mm|1/8″ thick slices.
Bundle and tie the spring onion. Peel and cut the yam into 1″ | 2.5cm chunks.
Heat the oil in a large frying pan or wok. Fry the spring onion bundle for a couple of minutes on medium heat, add the marinated pork belly and cook turning until browned on all sides. Add the Chinese sausage and cook for 3-4 more minutes before adding enough water to just cover the meat. When the liquid reaches a boil reduce the heat and simmer covered for about 35 minutes until the pork is tender.
Whilst the meat is cooking bring a pan of water to a boil, add salt, the yam and cook until just tender about 10 minutes, drain and set aside.
When the meat is tender and the sauce reduced to 1/3, add the yam and stir through the meat, scatter with white pepper and turning cook for 5-8 minutes until the yam absorbs most of the sauce and turns golden.
Discard the spring onion bundle, transfer to a serving dish and garnish with fresh spring onion.