Christmas muffins, Macau style

Broas de Macau from Maria Celestina de Mello e Senna. To read the original recipe (in Portuguese), click HERE.
10 egg yolks
6 egg whites
1 cup of rice or wheat flour
1 cup of caster sugar
1 tsp baking powder
Grease some aluminium moulds with butter and dust with flour. Invert to remove excess flour.
Beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt to the peak stage.
Beat egg yolks with sugar, sift in a little flour, fold in some egg whites and repeat. Mix all well.
Pour into moulds and put in oven for 30 minutes.
Remove from mould when warm. When fully cool, place on an aluminium tray and return to a slow oven to toast well.
Store in tins.