Coconut roll

Torta de Côco from Sedaliza Luiz, courtesy of HA d’Assumpção.
Read the original recipe | Leia a receita original 500grs de açucar, 6 ovos, 100grs de côco ralado, 125 grs de manteiga, 25 grs de farinha. Bate-se a manteiga com o açucar, juntam-se as gemas, depois o coco e o fim a farinha e as claras em castelo. Vai a assar num taboleiro untado de manteiga em lume brando 250-300. Leva pelo menos ½ hora. Enrola-se depois como de laranja.
1lb 2oz | 300g sugar*
6 eggs, separated
3½oz | 100g grated coconut
125g butter
1oz | 25g plain flour
- The original recipe called for 500g of sugar; my grandmother must have had a sweet tooth. I recommend reducing this to 300g. — HdA
Beat the egg whites to the peak stage.
Cream the sugar and butter, then add the egg yolks, then the coconut and finally fold in the flour and beaten egg whites
Bake in a moderate oven (250°F-300°F | 120°C-150°C for at least half an hour.
When cooked, cool a little, flip it onto a tea towel sprinkled with castor sugar. Carefully raise the tea towel to bend the long edge of the tart; continue raising the tea towel to roll the tart, pressing gently down to produce a tight cylinder.
Cut into ½” | 1-cm slices and serve.
Variation: Cream 1 tbsp of soft butter, ½ cup of dark brown sugar and 2 tsp of cinnamon and spread it over the cooked tart before rolling it.