Hunting was a popular sport in old Macau, Hongkong and Shanghai, bringing back plenty of game.
Stuffed pigeons from “Guilly” Canavarro Remedios
5 whole pigeons
2 ozs | 56g minced pork or veal
2 ozs | 56g bacon, minced (optional)
½ onion
5 olives, pitted and chopped
6 Chinese dried mushrooms
l-2 tbsp fresh or toasted bread crumbs
Remove the gizzards, hearts and livers, and wash well and mince them.
Wash the mushrooms in cold water and just cover with boiling water and cover the bowl to moisten the mushrooms. When soft enough discard the stems and cut mushrooms in thin, narrow strips and set aside.
Mix the minced meat with the mushrooms, olives, bread crumbs, salt and pepper. If it is too dry add a little of the mushroom liquid. Season the inside and outside of the pigeons with a little salt and pepper, and stuff with the meat mixture. Make the pigeon shapely by twisting the wings to the back and piercing the ends of the leg bones into the bottom of the stomach skin.
Put pigeons in a bowl with the remainder of the mushroom liquid and steam for a couple of hours or till tender.
Some fresh mushrooms, asparagus, etc, can be put into the gravy when serving.