Egg plant spicy pickle

Sambal de Brinjela from “Guilly” Canavarro Remedios
1 egg plant
1 large onion, cut in eighths
2-3 tomatoes(1), cut into eighths
1 dsp lard
1 dsp balichão
1 tsp white vinegar
¼ tsp chili miçó (optional)
a small piece of jagra or a little sugar, to taste
salt to taste
(1) In Annie Sousa’s version of this recipe, the tomatoes are seeded.
Wash the egg plants and cut into quarters lengthwise, and then cut each quarter into chunks at an angle.
Heat lard, fry the balichão and then fry the onions for 5 mins, then add the tomatoes and fry till rather moist. Add egg plants, vinegar and jagra and simmer till tender. Five mins before serving add chili miçó. If this is not sweet enough add sugar as per taste.