Fried kidneys

Rins chaochao from “Guilly” Canavarro Remedios
6 pig kidneys
ginger about the size of a dollar
6 spring onions, chopped fine
¾ wine glass of sweet white wine or any other sweet wine
Cut kidneys flatwards into two. Remove the white parts inside completely. Wash the kidneys well, drain and score about halfway through with six or seven cuts, then cut in thin slices across. Do not wash after this but set aside.
Scrape the skin off the ginger, wash and cut into very thin strips. Boil ¼ cup of water.
Make very hot 3 dsp lard in a pan, add about ½ tsp salt and fry, add the ginger and fry for 3 mins, then the spring onions. When this is done add kidneys and stir fry, till the colour starts to change. Add the boiling water and stir till the kidney looks cooked on the inside. (Do not boil as that would make the kidney tough.)
Just before serving add the wine.