Prawn Rissoles


Prawn Rissoles from Maria de Lourdes Bayot, courtesy of Yvonne Husband


1 cup plain flour
1 cup of water
1 tbsp butter or margarine

Bring the water and the butter to a rapid boil. Add the flour and stir quickly until it forms a ball and the pastry is not lumpy. Remove from heat.


1 lb 2oz | ½ kg cooked prawns with shells and heads on
¼ bunch flat leaf, continental parsley chopped fine
4 oz | 110g butter or margarine
¼ cup plain flour

Peel the prawns. Place the heads and the shells into a pot, cover with water and boil for 3-4 mins. Then press down the shells and heads with a potato masher to extract the juices and boil for another 2 mins. Strain the juice into a jug to use to make the sauce for the filling.

Chop the prawns into small pieces and set aside.

Melt the butter in a pot and bring to a boil. Add the flour and stir quickly to make a paste.

Add the prawn juice stirring continuously to make a thick sauce.

Add the parsley and the prawns to the sauce. The sauce should be thick. Allow to cool.

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