Pork with Wine and Garlic: a tasty variation of a Portuguese dish, not to be confused with its Indian variant, vindaloo

This is a variation a Portuguese dish, mildly flavoured; when it was introduced into Goa, Indians added chillies and other spices and distorted the name to create the completely different, fiery Vindaloo curry. The versions in Macau have only a little or no heat.
Porco Vinho d’Alho from Marie de Figueiredo
1 large boneless pork
1 head of garlic
1 teaspoon cumin powder
1 teaspoon coriander powder
2 teaspoons tumeric powder
1 cup dry sherry
2 teaspoons sambal oelek (hot chilli)
2 teaspoons sugar
Salt and pepper to taste
Chop garlic very fine and place in large bowl with salt, pepper, cumin, coriander, tumeric, dry sherry and sambal oelek. Mix ingredients well, then place the boneless pork into the bowl. Prick the pork with a sharp fork so that the wine and spices can work into the pork.
Cover up properly and place the marinated pork in the fridge for 2 to 3 days (turning the pork each day).
After 2 to 3 days, place the pork and marinade into a saucepan with enough water covering the pork. Cover and cook until soft. taking care to turn pork over every now and then so as not to burn. Add the sugar to the gravy when the pork is nearly done.
Porco Vinho d’Alho from “Guilly” Canavarro Remedios
2 lb | 900g pork chop or a thick piece of pork leg
¾ of a whole garlic
½ oz | 14g ginger
1 tsp of cumin
6 tbsp coliang wine (best quality)
½ tbsp pepper
1 level tsp turmeric
1½ tbsp salt
4 tbsp Cantonese vinegar
Wash and prick pork with a fork thoroughly.
Chop the garlic fine and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Pour all over the pork and prick again. Keep in the refrigerator for two or three days, pricking well and turning twice every day to let the marinade infuse.
Boil in about ½ cup of water, then simmer till the meat is tender and no more gravy is left.
Fry the meat in the fat that accumulates at the bottom of the pan until it is golden brown on both sides.
If beef is preferred, a good piece of rump can be cooked in the same way.