Egg sweet – literally, “soft eggs”

Here we present two versions of a traditional Portuguese sweet.
Ovos Móles from Maria Lourdes de Menezes Bayot, courtesy of Yvonne Husband.
6 eggs
6 tbsp sugar
6 tbsp water
Place the water and sugar in a pot and boil until it reaches “Point of Pearl”.
Remove from heat and let cool a little.
Beat the eggs a little with a folk. Return sugar mixture to low heat and add the eggs, stirring constantly so as not to burn the egg mixture.
Recheio de Ovos Móles from Sedaliza Luiz
5 or 6 egg yolks
for each egg yolk, 1 heaped dsp sugar
Cover the sugar with water and cook until it becomes a thick syrup. (It is ready when it falls in pearl-like drops from a spoon. If measuring using a candy thermometer, its temperature should be about 110°.)
Remove from the fire and allow it to cool a little, then blend in lightly beaten egg yolks.
Heat over a very low flame, stirring continually until it is thick enough to be used as cake filling.