Oriental Almond Jelly from Noreen Sousa, courtesy of Yolanda Guterres)
1/3 oz | 9g agar agar jelly strips
7-7½ | 1.75-1.9l cups water
2/3 cup | 170ml sugar for jelly
½ cup | 120g sugar for syrup
1 tsp almond essence
¾ can | 300ml carnation cream (large)
1 can fruit cocktail (large)
Wash agar agar jelly strips and boil with the 7 cups water until completely dissolved (approx. 10 mins.). Add sugar and stir to dissolve. Remove from fire before adding almond essence and Carnation cream.
Melt the ½ cup of sugar with approximately 1 cup water to make the syrup. Cool then chill.
Drain fruit cocktail completely. To serve, put a little of the syrup at the bottom of serving bowl, and using a thin large flat spoon scoop jelly onto syrup, alternating between syrup and jelly. Top with fruit cocktail and serve chilled.