Mango Cheesecake Tropicale from Noreen Sousa via Yolanda Guterres
CRUST (bottom)
3 oz | 80g butter or margarine
6 oz | 170g coconut biscuits finely crushed
3 oz | 80g castor sugar
Melt the butter and sugar in a saucepan over a gentle heat and stir in the coconut biscuit crumbs. Press evenly over the bottom of a greased loose-bottom 12″ (30cm) round cake tin. Chill while making the filling.
5 x 8 oz | 225g packets Philadelphia cream cheese
1 tsp vanilla essence
grated peel of 1 orange and 1 lemon
3 tbsp flour
¼ tsp salt
5 eggs
1¾ cup sugar
¼ cup milk or light cream
Let cheese soften at room temperature (1 to 1½ hours). Beat until creamy. Add vanilla and peel. Mix sugar, flour and salt and blend in thoroughly. Add eggs one at a time, beat after each just to blend. Gently stir in cream. Pour filling into crust-lined pan. Bake at 450°F | 230⁰C for 10 to 20 mins. Reduce heat to 300°F | 150°C and bake for 55 to 60 mins. Allow to cool. Loosen sides with spatula after ½ hour. Remove sides at end of 1 hour. Cool thoroughly, and chill.
1 small carton sour cream
½ pkt | 3.5g Knox gelatin*
icing sugar to taste
½ tsp vanilla essence
¼ cup water
½ tsp almond essence
* A packet of Knox gelatin apparently contains 7g of gelatin
Soften gelatin in the ¼ cup cold water, then set in pan of hot water to melt. Cool slightly. Blend all ingredients and frost top and sides of Cheese Cake. Refrigerate till set.
2 large ripe mangoes**
orange jelly or mango jelly
** If mangoes are unavailable use any fruit of your choice, such as mandarins, oranges, peaches, pineapples, kiwis, strawberries, melons.
Slice mangoes and decorate top of Cheesecake. Pour slightly set jelly (set to egg white consistency) over mangoes to glaze and finish. Garnish with strawberries