Meat with glutinous rice wrapped in banana leaves

Lapa from Hermínia Figueiredo
1 lb | 450g arroz pulu
4 cloves of garlic, crushed
8 oz pork bones
1 onion, chopped fine
1 pinch of turmeric
1 pinch of pepper
12 oz minced pork
chopped chouriço, ham or cha siu
8 oz | 220g tomatoes
1 spring onion
2 oz | 56g lard
Make a stock with the pork bones.
Heat lard in a saucepan and fry the crushed garlic till golden brown, then remove.
Fry the spring onion, tomatoes and onion, and then add turmeric , pepper and a little salt, and the raw arroz pulu washed. Stir and put in the pork, and lastly the stock made of the pork bones, the amount of liquid as for boiling rice.
Pour all this mixture into a bowl and steam till cooked. Prepare some banana leaves. For each lapa, take half or quarter banana leaf, put about about 4 tbsp of the rice mixture almost at the end, cover the end leaf over it, fold the two sides and turn it over 2 or 3 times so that the rice does not fall out. Each parcel should be more or less square in shape.
Steam these parcels for about hour, and serve with pickles.