Chicken with liver and gizzards

There are two versions of this dish. The one with liver is reputed to be beneficial for women recovering from childbirth.
Galinha Molho from “Guilly” Canavarro Remedios
We have not yet tested this recipe. It is recorded here to allow experimentation and verification.
1 spring chicken (about 680g)
8 mushrooms
2 cloves of garlic
1 small piece cinnamon, size of a nib (1cm)
2 spring onions, tied in a loop
1 piece of brown sugar
¼ cup Chinese wine ló chiu
¼ cup water
salt and pepper to taste
1-1½ tsp soy sauce
lard for frying
Soak the mushrooms in boiling water; remove the mushrooms and keep the water. Cut the raw chicken liver, gizzard and mushrooms into thin strips.
Prepare the chicken by twisting the wing backward and piercing the bones of the legs into the skin near the lower part of the breast. Season with salt and pepper.
Bring to a high temperature 2 tsp of lard in a pan, and brown the chicken all over. Remove the chicken and in the same pan fry the mushrooms, chicken liver and gizzard.
When this is done return the chicken to the pan and add Chinese wine, cloves, cinnamon, spring onions, brown sugar, soy sauce and water, and also the little water of the soaked mushrooms.
Simmer until tender. Before serving, thicken the gravy slightly with a little flour mixed in water. Serve the trimmings over the whole chicken.
Galinha Molho de Perdiz from C. Mattos
1 large roasting chicken
10 chicken livers
10 egg yolks
about 4 cups of olive oil
1 whole garlic
Peel and thinly slice the garlic and soak overnight in white vinegar. Separate the garlic and vinegar.
Boil the liver with a little water, salt and pepper until soft, then mince through a mincing machine.
Roast the chicken till tender and of a nice colour.
Boil the eggs, then remove the whites and mash the yolks. Add the vinegar gradually, then the oil, to make a very fine paste,and lastly, add the finely minced liver. The consistency must neither be too thin nor too thick, but just right to be able to set.
Cut the roast chicken to a nice sized pieces and cover each piece with a liver coating on the surface and serve.