Jugged chicken (chicken cooked in its own blood)

Galinha Cabidela from “Guilly” Canavarro Remedios
1 large live chicken
2 lb | 900g rather fat pork with skin
2 tsp Chinese white vinegar
1 tsp turmeric
¾ tsp coriander powder
4 spring onions, chopped
salt and pepper to taste
2 dsp lard
3 tbsp water
Put the vinegar and water in a bowl, kill the chicken and let the blood run into the vinegar. (By so doing the blood will not curdle, but of course the colour will turn dark.) Put aside.
Cut the chicken into pieces and pork into 1-in pieces together with the skin and fat and put aside.
Heat lard in a pan and when hot add the spring onions, fry for a minute, then add the coriander powder and turmeric, stir for a few seconds not to burn, then add 2 tsp water and let cook for a minute. When this is done, add the blood, and fry together for 3 minutes, stirring all the while not to burn, then add the chicken and pork, salt and pepper, enough water to cover and simmer till the chicken and pork are quite tender. The gravy should be of a rather thick consistency.