Egg yolk dessert

Fatias de Ovos from Maria Celestina de Mello e Senna
We have not yet tested this recipe. It is recorded here to allow experimentation and verification.
16 egg yolks
1 cup grated coconut
½ cup white and black raisins
11 oz (300g) sugar
Beat the yolks for about 45 minutes. Grease a tall mould with butter and put in the beaten yolks and cook in a double boiler (bain-Marie) for half an hour.
It will collapse when taken off the heat but do not worry. Cool and tip from the mould onto a wire frame.
Dissolve the sugar in a little water and boil to thicken the syrup until pearl-like drops fall from a spoon. Remove from the fire and carefully drizzle the syrup over the cooked eggs until well soaked in, and put onto a glass plate.
Add the grated coconut and the raisins to the rest of the syrup, bring to the boil, and pour over the cooked eggs. Slice and serve.