Creme Caramel from Janine Yvanovich Donato, cxourtesy of Yvonne Husband
½ cup white sugar
½ cup water
Combine sugar and water in medium size saucepan and stir over medium heat until sugar has dissolved. Then increase heat and boil rapidly until mixture turns golden brown.
Do not stir at this time or mixture could crystallise.
Pour caramel quickly into round 30cm (8″) cake tin (not spring cake tin) and tilt and rotate to coat sides and base.
4 eggs
1 tsp vanilla essence
¼ cup sugar
1¾ cups milk
10 US fl oz | 300 ml cream
Beat eggs, vanilla and sugar together lightly.
In saucepan combine milk and cream, bring to scalding point and cool slightly.
Pour gradually over egg mixture, stirring all the time.
Strain into large jug to remove any specks of egg and to ensure velvety texture.
Pour custard carefully into cake tin. Put into baking dish with boiling water half way up the sides of cake tin.
Bake in moderate oven for approximately 45 minutes – 1 hour, or until set. Test by poking knife through.
Remove from water, cool, then refrigerate. Turn out carefully (upside down) into deep serving plate.