Fish chutney

Chutney de Peixe Cabuz from “Guilly” Canavarro Remedios
½ lb | 220g dried salted peixe cabuz or salt cod*
about ¼ cup of coconut juice
2 oz | 56 g cebola seca
½ tsp turmeric
¾ lb lard
* Guilly added this note:
Salted peixe cabuz is sold in Cantonese shops by the ounce. They are opened flat out and are about 2″ | 5 cm wide. Salted cod (bacalhau) can be purchased from any grocer or retail dealer.
Wash the fish and soak in cold water overnight if too salty. Remove the skin and every piece of bone. Pound little portions with a mortar and pestle till it looks very hairy and fine.
Grate the coconut, soak in a little water and squeeze to extract about ¼ cup of its thickest juice. Soak the fish flake into this juice for a while.
Peel the cebola seca and cut in thin strips lengthwise. Cook the cebola seca in very hot lard until it is almost golden brown; add turmeric and fry for a minute. Then put in the mixture of the fish and coconut juice and let it boil, stirring occasionally until all the coconut juice has evaporated and only the lard shows.
Reduce the heat to very low and cook the fish flake until it is crispy and golden brown, stirring occasionally to avoid burning. Drain every bit of lard out of the pan and lay the fish flake on paper to drain out the last of the fat.