Stir-fried squid

Choco in Portuguese is cuttlefish but Macanese often call squid choco.
Choco Chaochao from “Guilly” Canavarro Remedios
4 fresh squid
¼ lb | 110g celery
1 oz | 28g
1 oz | 28g orelhas de rato‘rats’ ears’ | dried black fungus
½ tsp flour
1 dsp soy sauce
ginger the size of a 20-cent piece, chopped very fine
2 spring onions, cut in ½” | 1.3cm pieces
salt and pepper
Take the bone out of the squid and wash the meat till quite white. With a sharp knife, cut ¼ way through the flesh along the length of the squid*, then cut into slices about ½” | 1.3cm wide across. Mix the ginger, flour and soy sauce with the squid pieces and set aside. Soak the orelha de rato in boiling water, and wash well and cut into halves.
Take the leaves off the celery, wash the rest well and cut in 1″lengths. Fry the salt and spring onions in 3 dsp of hot lard.
Add celery and 1 oz | 28g orelhas de rato‘rats’ ears’ | dried black fungus, put just a little water and let it boil for 2 mins, then add the squid and stir same well. If there is no gravy at all add a little water. Cook the squid for no more than a few minutes till it whitens, because overcooking makes it tough.
* Note: First cut the squid tube open, spread it out flat with the inside on top, make slices ¼ way through the flesh about 2cm apart all along the length of the squid, then clut into 1.5 cm wide strips. When cooked, the squid will roll up into attractive cylinders.