Roast chicken with stewed prunes

Roast chicken with stewed prunes from “Guilly” Canavarro Remedios
We have not yet tested this recipe. It is recorded here to allow experimentation and verification.
1 large fat chicken (7-8 lb | 3-3.6kg)
1 lb | 450g prunes
salt and pepper to taste
If the weather is very cold, feather the chicken and hang it up for 2-3 days. This makes the meat much more tender.
Wash and soak the prunes in cold water overnight.
Wash the chicken thoroughly, put the fat aside and season well with salt and pepper inside and outside. Put on a baking tin, lay the chicken fat over the breast. Roast slowly for 1½ -2 hours or till done.
When the chicken is almost done place the prunes in the tray and let it simmer for 15 mins in the chicken fat and gravy. Serve the chicken in a large dish with prunes around.
STUFFING (optional)
chicken gizzard
liver, ¼ lb | 110g
veal, ¼ lb |110g
raw Chinese ham
1 oz | 28g bread crumbs
1 beaten egg
Mix all the ingredients together and stuff in the upper chest of the chicken.