Glutinous Rice Sweet

An old Macanese sweet, probably originating from the Malay Peninsula.
Adapted from an historical recipe by Maria Celestina de Mello e Senna
1 cup glutinous rice
5oz | 150g dessicated grated coconut
7oz | 200ml coconut cream
1 tbsp of condensed milk
5oz | 150g sugar
Add just enough water to moisten the desiccated coconut and either let stand overnight or cover and microwave for 2 minutes on high heat.
Wash the rice and drain away all the water. Put in a microwave-proof container, add 280ml of water and the condensed milk, stir, cover and cook on high heat for 2 minutes, then on lowest heat for 20 minutes. Leave covered for about 20 more minutes.
Dissolve the sugar in a little water (and reserve a dsp of this). Boil the sugar and water until all the water has evaporated and only a thick syrup remains.
Mix very thoroughly the desiccated coconut, the coconut cream and the sugar syrup with the rice. Spread the mixture onto a flat dish and glaze the surface with the dsp of dissolved sugar using a spatula. Score the surface with radial lines and decorate with a sprig of mint.