Codfish Casserole

Bacalha à Gomes de Sá is probably the most popular of all Portuguese codfish dishes. This is a variation from Macau with tomatoes and chick peas.
Codfish Casserole from Alzira d’Assumpção
1lb 10oz | 500g salted bacalhau (Portuguese cod fish)
1lb 5oz | 600g potatoes
2 onions, cut into rings
4 bay leaves
3 cloves garlic
3½oz | 100ml olive oil
3 eggs
1lb 10oz | 500g ripe cooking tomatoes, cut into thick slices
1 handful (about 15) kalamata olives, pitted and cut into halves or thirds
¼ bunch parlsey (for garnishing)
½ cup white wine
14oz | 400g tin of chick peas
Soak the bacalhau in the normal way (click HERE to read how).
Drain the chick peas and reserve the liquid.
Steam the potatoes until just cooked, allow to cool and cut into thick slices.
Rub or scrape off the black skins of the bacalhau.
Cover the bacalhau with water, boil until soft, then remove from the water and allow to cool.
Pierce the rounded end of the eggs with a sharp needle, place in the boiling water and cook for about 10 minutes, stirring for the first few minutes (to ensure that the yolks stay in the centre). Cool immediately in cold water, shell and slice into rings.
Remove all the bones from the bacalhau and break into flakes.
Gently fry the onions, bay leaves and garlic in the olive oil.
In a high wide oven-proof dish, spread in turn layers of onions, potatoes, tomatoes, olives, chick peas and two of the sliced eggs, sprinkling layers with pepper. (Salt is often not needed because of the saltiness of the bacalhau.
Add the wine and the liquid from the chick peas and drizzle with more olive oil.
Cover with a lid or alfoil and bake in an oven at 320°F | 160°C for about half an hour.
Garnish with the sliced eggs and parsley.