Sweet Rice Pudding
Arroz Doce from Dorothy Oliveira, Lusitano CA Bulletin 21/4, 2011

An easy dish, ever popular.
1 cup rice
2 cups milk
1 cup evaporated milk
1/8 tsp. vanilla essence
1/2 cup superfine sugar
1/2 tsp. salt
3 egg yolks, beaten
Cinnamon powder
1 lemon, use peel of entire lemon
Boil 1 cup rice in 3 cups milk, vanilla essence and ½ cup superfine sugar. When it comes to a boil, add lemon peel. Cover and
cook over low heat for about 15 minutes.
Uncover and stir. Cover
again and leave to cook another 5 minutes under extra low heat.
Uncover and check if rice is soft enough, if not add a little more
milk. Stir, cover and continue to cook for another minute or two.
Rice should be very moist and slightly al dente. Remove lemon
peel. Beat egg yolks with a little salt and stir into rice and mix
thoroughly. Cook uncovered over low heat for another 2 to 3
minutes. Stir often and remove the rice from the heat when all
liquid has evaporated.
Arrange rice on platter and cool. When cool sprinkle powdered cinnamon over surface and serve. (Put a doily on top of the pudding and then sprinkle to get a pattern)
Arroz Doce from Maria Celestina de Mello e Senna
flesh of a large coconut, grated and scalded wtih 8-10 cups of boiling water
10oz (280g) rice
½ tin of condensed milk (Águia)
1 small tin of evaporated milk (Carnation)
1½ cup of fine sugar
Wash the rice and drain away all the water.
When the coconut has cooled, squeeze with both hands and let the juice pass through a sieve.
Put the juice in a saucepan, add the rice and cook on a low flame. When it comes to the boil, stir so that it does not catch on the bottom of the saucepan. As soon as it reaches the consistency of a thick porridge, add the sugar, then the condensed milk and finally the evaporated milk. Return it to the fire, bring to the boil and pour into small ramekin dishes and dust with powdered cinnamon.