Duck with Ginger
We have not yet tested this recipe. It is recorded here to allow experimentation and verification.

Ade Pasap from “Guilly” Canavarro Remedios
1 duck
about 10 cebola mato (pickled white bulb of spring onion, also called pickled leek, kiu tao in Cantonese), washed and cut in half
3-4 pieces sliced pickled ginger, chopped
1 tsp ling fan
Wash the duck thoroughly, season with salt and pepper. Place in a bowl with two thin slices of fresh ginger (to take away the fishy taste*). Cover the bowl and steam till tender, otherwise boil in ½ cup water with ginger, salt and pepper, then simmer till tender.
When the duck is ready heat its juices into a small saucepan (there should be about ¼ to ½ cup of fluid). Add the pickles and, if desired, the strips of ginger, liver, heart and gizzard, and bring to the boil. Add 1 tsp ling fan mixed with a little cold water and stir well. The consistency should be that of a thick sauce; if not thick enough, add a little more ling fan mixed with water.
Add sugar to taste and also if desired a little vinegar.
Cut the duck in half, then into long pieces and array neatly on a dish with the skin upward. Pour the prepared sauce over.
* In the Macanese patois the phrase is para tirar amiz – to remove the unpleasant taste – for example, of fish.