Jugged Duck: Duck stewed in its own blood

This version of a traditional Portuguese dish, duck cooked in its own blood, offers a unique flavour, rich and intense. It may be a challenge to some but an exciting opportunity to the adventurous keen on exploration. Here we present two versions and a video of a traditional Portuguese dish: duck cooked in its own blood. For it you will need a live duck, to be killed, and from which to collect its blood. This is perhaps not something many would today be inclined to do, but the result would be a unique tasting experience for the more adventurous.
Ade Cabidela from Delmira Alvares
We have not yet tested this recipe. It is recorded here to allow experimentation and verification.
1 duck
600g duck (preferably fat) with skin
a little turmeric
a little spring onion, chopped fine
a little pepper
a little more ground coriander
a little cinnamon
a little vinegar
tamarind the size of a walnut
Bring to the boil the tamarind in 4tbsp of water. Squeeze all the taste out of the tamarind and retain the juice.
When killing the duck have ready in a small bowl 1 dsp of vinegar and let the duck’s blood into the bowl; this will make the blood liquid and not curdle. Put aside. Feather the duck, wash clean, taking out the intestines. Cut the duck in pieces.
Wash the pork cut in chunks and put with the duck in a pan with 2 tbsp hot lard and fry till brown. Bring out.
In the same pan, with the same lard in it, stir fry for 2 mins over a very low fire the turmeric, pepper, coriander, cinnamon and spring onions being careful not to burn. Add the blood, fry and go on stirring for 2 mins, then add the fried duck and pork. Cover with water and simmer. When half done, add tamarind water, simmer till tender.
Ade Cabidela from Mãe (author unknown. literally, “Mother”).
We have not yet tested this recipe.
1 duck
lard, butter or shortening
blood of duck
½ lb pork
salt and pepper
coriander powder
After killing the duck, put the blood in a bowl with a little vinegar to prevent it from congealing.
Put the lard in the pan, when melted and hot fry the onions until well browned. Add coriander, saffron. When well fried add tamarind, blood, duck, pork and let it boil until duck is tender, then add salt and pepper to taste.
Cabidela de Pato from Maria Celestina de Mello e Senna. To read the original (in Portuguese), click HERE.
We have not yet tested this recipe.
duck, including its blood
dried shallots
pinch of sugar
¼ tsp coriander powder
¼ tsp cumin powder
1 or 2 potatoes, quartered
Collect the duck blood with some vinegar (about half a cup).
Clean the duck and cut into 8 to 10 pieces. Season with salt and pepper, dried shallots, a pinch of sugar and turmeric.
Sauté the duck blood in oil, seasoning with a little salt and pepper. Remove and set aside.
Wash the saucepan and put in fresh oil, add cumin and coriander and a little turmeric, stirring to prevent burning. Add the pieces of duck.
When browned, add 3 cups of water and simmer until fluid is reduced. Then cook potatoes. Remove potatoes, leaving the duck to cook.
Before removing this from the fire, return the potatoes to reheat and finally add the blood.
Few people can prepare this delicious dish well because they add the blood at the beginning instead of the end.