
Patuá (Macanese dialect)

There is a separate chapter of this website devoted to the Patuá, with the entire dictionary (with audio), skits, etc. Here we present only some relevant publications on the language. Leia em Português Batalha, Graciete Nogueira

Glossério do Dialecto Macaense – Notas Linguístas, Etnográficas e Folclóricas , Instituto Cultural de Macau 1988 Edição de Fundacão; Coimbra: Instituto de Estudos Românicos, 1977 – Glossary of the Macanese Dialect. The early definitive record of the Macanese dialect. In Portuguese; copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong

Suplemento ao glossério do dialecto macaense: novas notas linguísticas, etnográficas e folclóricas – Supplement to glossary of the Macanese dialect. (In Portuguese) Instituto Cultural de Macau, 1988

Baxter, AN and de Silva, P: A dictionary of Kristang (Malacca Creole Portuguese)

Canberra: Pacific Linguistics/Australian National University 2004 (In English with an English-Kristang concordance)

Baxter, AN A grammar of Kristang (Malacca Creole Portuguese)

Canberra: Pacific Linguistics 1988

da Franca, António Pinto, Portuguese Influence in Indonesia Gunung Agung 1970 Djakarta – (Copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong)

Senna Fernandes, Miguel and Baxter, Alan Norman Maquista Chapado – Vocabulary and Expressions in Macao’s Portuguese Creole   Instituto Cultural do Governo da Região Especial Administrativa de Macau, 2004 – A splendid book, in Portuguese and English

Senna Fernandes, Miguel Filo di Quim A humourous and insightful article on nicknames (in Portuguese) Leia em Português

da Silva, Frederic A. “Jim” Words and Phrases

See also Yule, H: Anglo-Indian words and phrases

Santos Ferreira, J “Adé”

Camões Grandi da Nacão Dialecto Macaense Edição de Fundação Á-Má-Kok, Instituiçao de Utilidade Pública, Macau 1982 – In Portuguese; copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong

Dialecto Macaense Edição de Fundação Á-Má-Kok,
Instituiçao de Utilidade Pública, Macau 1982

In Portuguese; copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong

Doci Papiacam de Macau Instituto Cultural de Macau 1990 – In Portuguese; copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong

Luz de Natal Dialecto Macaense Imprensa na Tipografia Mandarin Natal de 1990 – In Portuguese; copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong

Natal – Amor, Paz, Alegria Dialecto Macaense Natal de 1986 – In Portuguese; copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong

Natal Cristam Dialecto Macaense Imprensa na Tipografia Mandarin Natal 1990 – In Portuguese; copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong


Papia Cristam di Macau – Epítome de Gramática Comparade e Vocabulário Dialecto Macaense – In Portuguese; copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong


Poémia di Macau (Poesia e Prosa) Dialecto Macaense Obra Editada pelo Leal Senado de Macau em Comemoração do 4° Centenário da Sua Fundação 1983 -Copy held in Library of Lusitano Club, Hong Kong

Miguel Senna Fernandes and Alan Norman Baxter Maquista Chapado – Vocabulary and Expressions in Macao’s Portuguese Creole Instituto Cultural do Governo da Região Especial Administrativa de Macau, 2004 – A splendid book, in Portuguese and translated into English by Marie Imelda MacLeod

Senna Fernandes, Miguel Filo di Quim A humourous and insightful article on nicknames (in Portuguese) Leia em Português da Silva, Frederic A. “Jim”, Words and Phrases

Yule, Sir Henry, Hobson-Jobson: A glossary of colloquial Anglo-Indian words and phrases, and of kindred terms, etymological, historical, geographical and discursive.

New ed. edited by William Crooke, B.A. London: J. Murray, 1903

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