_Other Sites

Other websites Leia em Português

Rogério dos Passos da Luz Projecto Memória Macaense – a collection of articles, music, photos, etc. on Macau (in Portuguese)[/su_tooltip] Leia em Português Roy E Xavier   Far East Currents – a site devoted to research into the Portuguese and Macanese roles in southeast Asia. Leia em Português

Photos from Macau Historical Archives Website

p1, p2, p3, p4 – An excellent collection of old photographs of Macau by Karsten Petersen Leia em Português

Classical Iconoclast website created by Anne Ozorio,with brief articles on the patuá, the Senhor dos Passos statue, cuisine, St Paul’s church, and much else. Leia em Português

PCB Bloga – website from Portugal, mainly on Macaense food and drink – recipes and songs – in Portuguese and in the patuá Leia em Português

Wikipedia on Macau History Leia em Português

Wikipedia on the Patuá of Macau Leia em Português

Wikipedia on Portuguese Creoles – (other languages based on Portuguese, including the Patuá of Macau). Leia em Português

Wikipedia on the Macanese Leia em Português

Macau Antigo Old Macau, an excellent site with large old photos, mostly in Portuguese, produced by João Botas Leia em Português

Macau Today (in Portuguese) (Powerpoint needs to be installed in the computer; click on Slideshow.) Leia em Português

Chen Yu – Transformation of Waterfront Space in Asian Cities: Macau, Hong Kong, Shanghai, 4th International Conference of the International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU) 2009 Amsterdam/Delft

Cecília Jorge Macanese, endangered species – publicado no Macau Daily Times, 7 de Outubro de 2010, logo após a morte de published in Macau Daily Times, 7 Oct 2010, soon after the death of Henrique de Senna Fernandes

Juliana Loh: Cha Gordo: Macau’s ‘fat tea’ a celebration of Macanese cuisine and culture published in the South China Morning Post 10 Apr2015 Leia em Português

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