
Index of Authors

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z


Amaro, Ana Maria Três jogos populares de Macau – Chonca, Talu, Bafá
Secret Recipes of Old Macau – Dr. Pitter’s Famous Tea and the Long-Forgotten Patrício’s Tea
de Andrade e Silva, António Eu Estive em Macau Durante a Guerra
d’Assumpção, B de SF “Riri” The Shroud
The Burial at Sea
The Sealed Skeletons
The Floorwalker
The Corpse at Cacilhas Beach
The Funeral at St Paul’s
The Miraculous Cross
d’Assumpção, HA Amaral and Mesquita
S. Paulo
Memories of World War II


Ball, J Dyer Macao the Holy City
Banham, Tony Hong Kong War Diary
Not the Slightest Chance: The Defence of Hong Kong, 1941
We Shall Suffer There: Hong Kong’s Defenders Imprisoned, 1942-45
“Baptista, FJ “ Marciano Baptista
Baptista, FM “Meno” Consoada
The Royal Hong Kong Regiment (The Volunteers)
Goodbye to All That Memories of post-war Hong Kong
Baptista, LF Pardal, Bico-chumbo e Otro pastro-pastro Macaísta
Chivit, Boca-sujo, e mas Pastro-Pastro Macaísta
Baptista, Marciano “Naneli” Album of drawings
Barbeiro, Augusto de Souza Cadastro das Vias e Outros Lugares Públicos de Cidade de Macau
Batalha, Graciete Nogueira Glossério do Dialecto Macaense – Notas Linguístas, Etnográficas e Folclóricas
Lingua di Macau — O que Foi e o que É
Suplemento ao glossério do dialecto macaense: novas notas linguísticas, etnográficas e folclóricas
Baxter, Alan Norman A grammar of Kristang (Malacca Creole Portuguese).
A dictionary of Kristang
Boxer, CR Fidalgos in the Far East, 1550-1770
Four Centuries of Portuguese Expansion, 1415-1825

Portuguese Conquest and Commerce in Southern Asia: 1500-1750
The Portuguese seaborne empire, 1415-1825
Portuguese Society in the Tropics
Race Relations in the Portuguese Colonial Empire 1415-1825
Women in Iberian Expansion Overseas 1415 – 1815
Seventeenth Century Macao in Contemporary Documents and Illustrations
Braga, JP The Portuguese in HK and China
Braga, Stuart The Governor from Hell
The Border Gate
Surrender, or we’ll flatten Macau
By the Skin of its Teeth
Monte Fort
The Great Typhoon of 1874
An Unexampled Calamity The Hong Kong Plague of 1894
Guia – fortress, chapel and lighthouse
Great Days The great days of Macau
Trials and Tribulations The ups and downs faced by Macau over centuries

Brookshaw, David Imperial Diasporas and the Search for Authenticity – The Macanese Fiction of Henrique de Senna Fernandes


Cannon, Melania Dawn Experience, Memory and the Construction of the Past: Remembering Macau 1941-1945
Chan, Catherine S ‘Empire’ Drifters: The Macanese in British Hong Kong, 1841-1941 PhD Thesis, University of Bristol, July 2019
Clemens, John Discovering Macau
do Carmo, Maria Helena Mercadores do ópio
Coates, Austin Macao and the British
A Macao Narrative
Coelho, Beltrão Album Macau – People, Places and Experiences
Album Macau 1844-1974
Album Macau – Memória da Cidade (Glimpses of the Past)
Conner, Patrick George Chinnery, 1744-1852, artist of India and the China coast
Correa, Frank Frank’s Story -Short autobiography, including experiences during World War II
Correa, J. Bosco The Fighting Lorchas of Macau
The Dutch Attack and Rout at Macau, 24 June 1622 Leia em Português


Doling, Annabel Macau on a Plate


d’Eça, Nuno Loureiro Adeus Macau
Endacott, GB History of Hong Kong


Fisher, Les I Will Remember – Recollections and Reflections on Hong Kong 1941 to 1945 – Internment and Freedom
Forjaz, Jorge Familias Macaenses Vols I-III
Forjaz, Jorge, Familias Macaenses Vols I-VI, ISBN 978-99965-886-1-7 Albergue SCM e Bambu – Sociedade e Artes Limitada, Macau, Março 2017. (The second edition of the definitive work on Macanese genealogy, with thousands more names and photos. In Portuguese.)
Os Luso-Descendentes da Índia Portuguesa Portuguese
families in India, including many of the ancestors of families in Macau. In
Forster, Penelope From Prison Camp to Priesthood
da Franca, António Pinto Portuguese Influence in Indonesia


Garrett, Richard J. The Defences of Macau: Forts, Ships and Weapons over 450 Years
Gomes, Daniel R A Macanese Entrepreneur – Memories of some members of the Gomes family
Gosano, J “Zinho” Autobiography
Gosano, Eddie Eddie Gosano — Hong Kong Farewell . Read Extract
Gosano, LG “Luigi” Autograph book
Grills, Peter Familia Ribeiro
Guillen-Nunez, Cesar Macau
Guimarães e Freitas, José de Aquino
Memoria sobre Macao
Guterres, Alberto The Noronha Twins


Hoe, Susanna The Private Life of Old Hong Kong. Western Women in the British Colony 1841-1941
Hsu, Rebecca Gas Cookery Book
Huang, M Sons of La Salle Everyone : a History of La Salle College and Primary School, 1932-2007
Hutcheon, Robin Chinnery: the man and the legend


Ingrams, Harold
Who are the true citizens?


Jackson, Annabel Taste of Macau
Jorge, Cecília Album Macau – People, Places and Experiences
Album Macau 1844-1974
Album Macau – Memória da Cidade (Glimpses of the Past)
Macanese Cooking

Macanese, endangered species
Jorge, Graça Pacheco A Cozinha de Macau da Casa do Meu Avô
Jorge da Silva, António Pacheco, The Portuguese – An Outline History of their Origin and their Voyages of Discovery
The Portuguese Community in Hong Kong : an illustrated history, volume 1: 2007, volume 2: 2010 Conselho das Comunidades Macaenses and Instituto Internacional de Macau – These important books do much to record and celebrate the people who over several generations came from Macau to make a new life in the nearby British colony.
The Portuguese Community in Shanghai : A Pictorial History
Diaspora Macaense to California


Koo, B In Search of a Better World


Ljungstedt, Andrew An Historical Sketch of the Portuguese Settlements in China
Lo, Louis
Walking Macao, Reading the Baroque
Lopes, António Vicente “Tony” Receitas da Cozinha Macaense
Loureiro, João M
Postais Antigos MacauMacau Antique Postcards
Lubeck, Carlos Autobiography


Machado, Leonor Sá Lesser Known Historical Stories of Macau
Mamak, Alexander In search of a Macanese cookbook
Manso, Maria de Deus Beites Escravatura, concubinagem e casamento em Macau: séculos XVI-XVIII Slavery, concubinage and marriage in Macau: 16th-18th centuries (in Portuguese) – Leonor Diaz de Seabra and Maria de Deus Beites Manso
Marreiros, Victor Marreiros_Dia_de_S_Joao_1 Dia de S. João — A plaque by #17992 Victor Marreiros celebrating the 400th anniversary of the battle of Macau on 24 June 1622, in which a large invading Dutch army was defeated by a small force of defenders, augmented by local volunteers.
McNaughton, HP The Friendly Portuguese
de Mello e Senna, Maria Celestina Bons Petiscos por Celestina
Montalto de Jesus, CA Historic Macao
Muto, Chozo The Omura Manuscript


Ng, Maria Pilgrimages: Memories of Colonial Macau and Hong Kong
Nishiyama, Marcelo A study of the church of St. Paul in Macao and the transformation of Portuguese architecture
Nuñez, César Guillén Macao’s Church of Saint Paul: A Glimmer of the Baroque in China


Ore, Harry Macao Lullaby
Ozorio, Anne From Macau through China to India and Burma – Hong Kong Portuguese in the Chindits


Programme of Concert
Peebles, Shayama Old Protestant Cemetary in Macau
#22763 Pereira, Giovanni Dining in the Algarve
Food of the Regions of Portugal
Festa das Sardinhas
Mountain Firewater
O Vinho do Porto
Os Verdinhos
Terra de bacalhau
Porter, Jonathan Macau: The Imaginary City–Culture and Society, 1557 to the Present


Rangel, Alexandra Sofia Filhos da Terra – A comunidade Macaense, Ontem e Hoje
Remedios, Jorge Talu A popular children’s game in Macau and Hong Kong
Aunty Albertina’s School, A school for Macanese children in Homantin
Our Bairro, Reminiscences of childhood
Macanese Language
Remedios, Raquel de Carvalho Bela Vista – Recollections of a Wartime Childhood
Ribeiro, Ligia Pinto Programme of Concert
Ribeiro, Luiz “Luigi” Vieira An Account of my war experiences and subsequent imprisonment under the Japanese
Rivero, Leonard History of Portuguese in Shanghai
Rocha Vieira, Vasco Todos os portos as que cheguei Dec 2010 Pedro Vieira/Gradiva Publicações, S.A. – An important book by the last Portuguese Governor of Macau. There are several chapters on Macau.
Experiences at Shamshuipo and Sendai Camps


de Sa, Luis Andrade Portugueses em Hong Kong
dos Santos Ferreira, José Camões Grandi da Nacão
Doci Papiacam de Macau
Luz de Natal
Natal – Amor, Paz, Alegria
Natal Cristam
Papia Cristam di Macau – Epítome de Gramática Comparade e Vocabulário
Poémia di Macau (Poesia e Prosa)
de Seabra, Leonor Diaz Escravatura, concubinagem e casamento em Macau: séculos XVI-XVIII Slavery, concubinage and marriage in Macau: 16th-18th centuries. In Portuguese) – Leonor Diaz de Seabra and Maria de Deus Beites Manso
Macau e os jesuítas na China (séculos XVI e XVII) (Macau and the Jesuits in China: 16th and 17th centuries. In Portuguese)
Pero Vaz de SiqueiraPero Vaz de Siqueira
de Senna Fernandes, Henrique A-Chan, A Tancareira
Amor e Dedinhos de Pé
A Trança Feiticeira
Mong Há
Miguel Senna Fernandes Maquista Chapado – Vocabulary and Expressions in Macao’s Portuguese Creole
Filo di Quim A humourous and insightful article on nicknames (in Portuguese) Um artigo bem-humorado e perspicaz sobre apelidos
O Livro de Receitas da Tia/Mãe Albertina
Sheets, Andrew How the Post reported Hong Kong’s first Olympics team
#6177 Silva, Armando Maria Jr “Pinky” Lt Augusto Maria Xavier USMC
Revisiting the Reed Brothers
Minchi: An Odyssey
Silva, Frederic “” Portugal’s Flag
The Spy Who Never Came Back
Peter the Cruel
On Macanese Nicknames
The Macanese – A Legacy of Portugal
Todo o Nosso Passado (All Our Yesterdays)
Portugal – Some Tales from her Past
Some war-time reminiscences
Words and Phrases
da Silva, Gil Vasco Figueiredo Autobiography
Da Silva, Jerome The Story of Arnaldo Frederico da Silva
de Silva, P A dictionary of Kristang
Smirnoff, George Vitalievich Macau Anos 40
Souza, Michael Life of a Veteran (biography of Henry Souza)


Tambling, Jeremy
Walking Macao, Reading the Baroque
Teixeira, Pe. Manuel Galeria de Macaenses Ilustres do Século XIX
Toponímia de Macau Vol I & II
Templo Chinês da Barra Má-Kok-Miu
The Japanese in Macau
Vicente Nicolau de Mesquita
Pedro Nolasco da Silva
António Alexandrino de Melo, Barão de Cercal
António Joaquim Bastos
George Chinnery
Macau e Sua Diocese Macau Vol II Bispos e Governadores do Bispado de Macau
A Precious Treasure in Coloane – The Relics of Japanese and Vietnamese Martyrs
Seis sacos de terra portuguesaSix sacks of Portuguese Soil
Tudo para TodosEverything for Everyone
A Obra Benfazeja da PolíciaPolice Charity Work


Van Langenberg, Joyce Hetty (Experiences of Celeste Van Langenberg (Hetty) at the outbreak of World War II in the Pacific
Alex (Experiences of Alexandre Jorge “Alex” Alves at the outbreak of World War II in the Pacific, by Joyce Van Langenberg)
The Long March (Prisoners-of-war are incarcerated at Shamshuipo)
Escape from Shamshuipo Camp (Reggie Baptista’s escape from POW camp)
Vieira Ribeiro, Luis “Luigi” An account of my war experiences and subsequent imprisonment under the Japanese
Villacorte, Rolando F Arnaldo da Silva by Rolando F Villacorte – A Macanese who took part in the Phillipine rebellion.


Watkinson, Suzanne Macau Grand Prix – an interview of #47569 Nana Barros about her father #47569 Eddie Carvalho
Wordie, Jason Macao: People and Places, Past and Present ISBN NO 978-988-12696-0-7 Angsana Ltd, Hong Kong 2013
Gloria Barretto’s Hong Kong stories gave a glimpse of the city history (Article in South China Morning Post)
The Past Master (An article on the Hong Kong Legislative and Executive Councils, which mentions some prominent Macanese)
Shrinking community still has big role to play in HK (Article on Sir Rober Lobo’s public service and private career)
Covert War Mission (Article on Sir Roger Lobo’s role in forestalling a Chinese takeover of Hong Kong.)
Wright, Arnold Twentieth Century Impressionsof Hong Kong, Shanghai, and other Treaty Ports in China


Xavier, Roy Eric The Happy Valley Race Course Fire of 1918


Yule, Sir Henry Hobson-Jobson: A glossary of colloquial Anglo-Indian words and phrases, and of kindred terms, etymological, historical, geographical and discursive.
Yvan, Melchior Six Months among the Malays and a Year in China
Yvanovich, Philippe My Wartime Experience (An edited version of a privately produced and distributed booklet.)
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